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Less is More

Project Info +
Project: Graduate Project (Vancouver Film School)
Script: Dougal Muir
Illustration: Aarti Bhalekar
Animation: Aarti Bhalekar
V.O: Red Borrowman
Sound Design: Juan Rojas

The short film is a small teaser to a hypothetical documentary on less is more as a lifestyle and a design approach. 

I have crafted a short 40-second abstract teaser film that speaks about who introduced the concept of " Less is more, "its meaning, and iconic pieces representing this ideology. 

I wanted to question the viewer if the idea of "Less is More" in design and architecture is plausible in a day and age where our environment thrives on redundancy and the limited space of cities ramping towards the sky, can we bring back this ideology again?


I hoped to throw light on this theme, and I felt my graduate project would be the perfect opportunity to remind people that "Less is More." 

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